
Employees working a twelve-month contract are entitled to an annual vacation. Employees can accumulate a maximum of 30 days. Up to twenty days of vacation will be paid upon termination, retirement or death. Vacation time must be cleared with your supervisor.​

Years of ServiceMonthly Accrual (Hours)Total Hours EarnedDays Earned
15 and over16.620025

Personal Leave

Certified educators accrue six personal days per year at a dock  of $60 per day if used.  Classified employees also have five personal days annually at a dock of 30% of their daily salary up to a maximum of $30 per day.  Contracted Employees that do not have vacation accrual, may take six personal day per year without a dock in pay.  Personal leave may accumulate up to a maximum of ten days and may be carried over into the next school year.  

Hourly employees will accrue three (3) personal leave days after working for 2 years.  One additional day will be earned for each additional year for a maximum of five (5) personal leave days.  Classified Hourly employees hired before July 1, 2013 may take two personal days annually at no dock in pay.  Hourly Personal leave is paid at 50% of the employee’s regular daily work hours.

Personal days must be cleared in advance with the employee’s supervisor.  Employees may not take personal leave during the first week of school and the last week of school.


Health, Disability and Postpartum Leave

Certified Health, Disability and Postpartum Leave (Contracted Educators Sick Leave)

Educators with less than three years of continuous current experience in the district are given seven fully paid sick days annually.  These days may accumulate up to a maximum of twenty-one (21) at the beginning of their third year.  If additional days are needed the educator salary will be docked $60 a day up to a maximum of 180 calendar days. 

Educators who have three or more current consecutive years of employment with the district are given 180 calendar sick days.  Any employee who has taken sick leave more than twenty-one consecutive calendar days must supply the Human Resource Department with a doctor’s letter including the nature of the disability and prognosis of when the employee can return to work.

  • Note: Dock would only be taken on working days, not calendar days.

Educators should provide lesson plans whenever they are unable to be at school.

Definition:  Calendar days included contract days, weekends and holidays combined.

Classified Health and Disability Leave (Contracted Support Personnel Sick Leave)

Contracted Classified Employees with less than three years of continuous current experience are given seven fully paid sick days annually.  These days may accumulate up to a maximum of twenty-one (21) at the beginning of their third year.  If additional days are needed the employee’s salary will be docked $30 a day.  

Any employee who has taken sick leave more than twenty-one consecutive calendar days must supply the Human Resource Department with a doctor’s letter including the nature of the disability and prognosis of when the employee can return to work.

  • Note: Dock would only be taken on working days, not calendar days.

Definition:  Calendar days included contract days, weekends and holidays combined.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Note:  Alpine’s sick leave runs concurrently with FMLA.  The employee needs to return to work for at least 30 days after FMLA or they must reimburse the district for their medical coverage premium during the time they were out on FMLA.

What is FMLA?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides eligible employees with a limited amount of unpaid, job-protected leave when the employee has a qualifying event.

Who is Eligible?

To be eligible for FMLA you must have a qualifying event and have been employed with the District for 12 months and worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months immediately preceding the first day of the leave request for FMLA.

What is a Qualifying Event?

Circumstances for which FMLA leave may be requested include:

  • Birth of a child or care for a newborn child (480 hours maximum in a calendar year).
  • Placement in your home of a child for adoption or foster care (480 hours maximum in a calendar year).
  • Your own serious health condition (480 hours maximum in a calendar year).
  • To care for your spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition (480 hours maximum in a calendar year).
  • Qualifying exigency – leave where a spouse, son, daughter, or parent of the employee is on active or ordered to be called to military duty in the Armed Forces. (12 weeks maximum in a calendar year).  Appropriate documentation is required.
  • Service Member Care Leave – An employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin of a covered service member or veteran.  (26 weeks maximum in a 12 month period).

(Once the application form is received by your human resource office, you will receive a Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibility form.  If you are eligible for FMLA and human resource has received from you the appropriate certification completed by your health care provider, you will receive a Designation Notice.  The Designation Notice will grant the approval for FMLA, or deny your request, or ask for additional information).

This FMLA information is intended only as an informational guide.  It does not, nor is it intended to provide a complete list of your rights, options or obligations under the Family and Medical leave Act Rules.  To make sure all of your questions have been answered, consult with your human resource office before making any decisions regarding your use of Family and Medical Leave.

Further Useful Information

FMLA leave is unpaid leave.  Unless you choose to use your own accrued leave during the same period of your FMLA leave, you will be in an unpaid leave status.

You may choose to take FMLA leave, but, generally, you do not have to.

No, you do not need your supervisor’s approval to apply for FMLA.  If you choose to notify them that you will be applying, that is your choice. 

The District continues to pay its share of costs related to health care benefits during your period of FMLA leave.  You must continue to pay for your share of the costs for your healthcare benefits by contacting the payroll department directly.  For any period of unpaid FMLA leave, you must make your premium payments at the beginning of each pay period, or as arranged with EMI.

You may choose to use your own accrued leave while using FMLA leave, but you are not required to do so.  If you choose to use your own leave, it may, depending on the amount of leave you use, pay for your share of cost for your health care benefits and provide you with income during your period of FMLA leave.

FMLA leave may be used intermittently, or on a reduced work schedule, based upon a health care provider’s certification. 

As in all cases of leave, you will be required to furnish your supervisor and the Human Resource office with periodic reports of your status and your intent to return to work.  You are required to notify your supervisor and Human Resources at least two(2) workdays prior to the date you intend to return to work.  You may be required to submit a “fitness for duty” certification for a serious health condition before returning to work.

Employees must provide 30 days advance notice of the need to take FMLA leave when the need is foreseeable.  When 30 days notice is not possible, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable and generally must comply with normal call-in procedures.  The employee must provide sufficient information for the employer to determine if the leave may qualify for FMLA protection and the anticipated timing and duration of the leave.  The employee must inform the employer if the requested leave is for a reason for which FMLA leave was previously taken or certified.  The employee may also be required to provide certification and recertification supporting the need for leave.

Simply contact your human resource office.  You will need to complete an FMLA Application, and your healthcare provider will need to complete a certification form.

Useful Resources


Bereavement (Funeral) Leave

Provisional classified employees may take one bereavement day per year without a dock. It will not count as a personal or sick day. Provisional employees have less than 4 years of current contracted experience with ASD.

A tenured certified employee may be absent up to five days at the death of an immediate family member and up to 3 days for an extended family member without loss of salary. Two additional days may be granted at the cost of a personal day dock. 

A tenured classified employee may be absent up to five (5) working days at the death of an immediate family member or up to three (3) working days for an extended family member without loss of salary. If there are extenuating circumstances the administrator may recommend additional days to the superintendent. Bereavement leave may be granted for the following:

  • Immediate
    • spouse
    • child (includes stepchildren)
    • parents  (includes stepmother and stepfather)
    • siblings  (includes stepbrothers and stepsisters)
  • Extended
    • Father-in-law and mother-in-law
    • Son-in-law and daughter-in-law
    • Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law
    • nieces or nephews
    • aunts or uncles
    • all levels of grandparents
    • all levels of grandchildren
  • 1 day per year may be taken for a close personal friend.

All leaves should be coordinated with your supervisor.


Other Leave

Other types of leave (leave of absence, sabbatical or military leave) are available to eligible employees and must be coordinated with the Human Resource Department.