Annya Becerra-Lowe

Director of Student Educational Access & Opportunity
[email protected]

Title III (Alternate Language Services), Title VI (Native American
Education), McKinney-Vento (Education of Student Experiencing
Homelessness), Refugees

Evaluce Quintero

Elementary TSA
[email protected]

ALS Services, Site Coordinators,
Instructional content & support,
Pre K-6 Literacy, Imagine Learning,
ELLevation, Title I Summer School,

Rebecca Atwell

Elementary TSA
[email protected]

ALS Services, Site Coordinators,
Instructional content & support,
Pre K-6 Literacy, Imagine Learning,
ELLevation, Title I Summer School,

BrieAnne Pulu

Secondary TSA
[email protected]

ALS Services, Site Coordinators,
Instructional content & support,
LearningLive!, WIDA ACCESS support

Michael Snyder

Secondary TSA
[email protected]

ALS Services, Site Coordinators,
Instructional content & support,
ELLevation, Talking Points,

Ana Beltran

McKinney-Vento Homeless
Education Liaison

[email protected]

Ensure that homeless children and youth
identification & enrollment, Head Start
intervention services, Parent/Guardian
referral, enrollment dispute

Ann Marie Sherman

Title VI (Native American)/
Refugee Coordinator

[email protected]

Native American Students & Families
liaison, Refugee Students & Families
coordinator, cultural & academic event
coordinator, cultural awareness coordinator

Rocio Galvez

Administrative Assistant
[email protected]

Multilingual Learner specialist, WIDA
Screener/ACCESS and ALS Test Proctor
training and oversight, Interpreting and
Translations Coordinator

Luz Maria Lozano

Administrative Assistant
[email protected]

Federal Programs Administrative
secretary, WIDA Screener/ACCESS and
ALS Test Proctor oversight and training,
Parapro Praxis Test Coordinator

Cyndi Cox

Administrative Assistant
[email protected]

Multilingual Learner specialist, WIDA
Screener/ACCESS and ALS Test Proctor
training and oversight

Sheral Thueson

Alpine Family Literacy
Program Coordinator

[email protected]

Recruiting, New Family Orientation,
Preschool & Nursery, Parenting Class
& PACT, Collaboration Meeting &
Early Childhood Meeting, Adult
Education correlation